
21st century web

Web Design

The Business of Business

Looking for Proper, Professional Web Design?

With care, maintenance, updates and monitoring: all hassle free?

This is what we do.

It's easy but it ain't easy peasy

DIY websites have taken the strain(and expense) out of site building.
They can easily look great, act as an advert for you, even an ecommerce site.
BUT, (and there is always a but), you aren’t an expert in website building. There are quite a few things you won’t think of, and which website builder software won’t do for you.

Like the best colours to use, the best typefaces and what size. Calls to actions, best colour for buttons, writing for SEO, headlines, oh and even more. The Judgement calls.
These things help your visitors through the site to where you want them to be: buying something, booking or contacting.

So if you are investing in a website you might want something built expertly.

Sorry, but it's not for you

Your website, the one you pay for, is for your visitors, not you. You want customers, viewers and buyers to look at your site. What you like, a green here, a bigger headline or whatever is irrelevant.

And then your website is for Google and other search engines. Making it easy for customers to find your site and then read it is why you have a website. Again you want unicorns at the top. No. Just No.

And then it is for you. Your signature, your USP, your ideas should all be shown in the website. A personality if you will. 

But your viewers must like the personality, after they find it with Google.

Which is another reason why you need a pro.

What we want

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Be prepared

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.